How to Get Entresto For Free

Entresto is a prescription medication commonly used to treat certain heart conditions, specifically heart failure. The medicine is expensive are, but there are ways to get the medicine for free or at a low cost.

It’s designed to improve your heart’s ability to pump blood to the rest of your body.

This medication is actually a combination of two active ingredients: sacubitril and valsartan.

Together, they work to relax blood vessels and make it easier for your heart to pump blood efficiently.

Many people with chronic heart failure take Entresto to improve their quality of life and to reduce the risk of hospitalization due to heart failure.

If you or someone you know has been diagnosed with heart failure, Entresto could be a treatment option worth discussing with your healthcare provider.

How to Get Entresto For Free

Entresto is a newer drug. Therefore, it is very expensive. Novartis Pharmaceuticals has created a patient assistance plan. Although it is not free, the discounts are substantial. The link to the website is : Entresto Savings Card

Commercial Insurance For Entresto

If you have commercial insurance (not government insurance), you can get Entresto for as low as 10.00 a month.

Medicare or Medicaid Entresto Coverage

If you have governmental insurance, there is a calculator on the website to determine how much you pay.

Other Savings for Entresto

There are other savings cards for Entresto, but they do not give as many savings as the Novartis Entresto Savings Card.

Use Pharmacy Discount Cards

Pharmacy discount cards can offer significant savings on prescription medications. Some are free, while others might have a small fee. These cards can be found online or sometimes at your doctor’s office.

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