how long can you live with cardiomyopathy?

How Long Can You Live With Dilated Cardiomyopathy?

How long can you live with dilated cardiomyopathy? People are living well into adulthood with dilated cardiomyopathy. I have cared for people that were born with dilated cardiomyopathy and they have lived be to in their seventies. The question is “How long can you live with dilated cardiomyopathy”?
According to research, some dilated cardiomyopathy can be cured and some cannot be cured.
However, many treatments are available that can improve symptoms and decrease risk in children with dilated cardiomyopathy.
The choice of a specific therapy depends on the clinical condition of the child, the risk of dangerous events, and the ability of the child to tolerate the therapy.

Dilated Cardiomyopathy Survival

Dr. Sinatra, a natural cardiologist, suggests that heart disease is a “metabolic disease” and it is caused mainly by a lack of nutrients and minerals.

Dr. Sinatra coined the phrase “awesome foursome” to describe four supplements that are crucial in helping the heart get better from dilated cardiomyopathy. Research and studies have shown that people are living longer lives with cardiomyopathy.

Magnesium Taurate

Magnesium is the heart’s minerals. Evidence shows that the majority of people with heart disease have low magnesium. Life Extensions make excellent magnesium.

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Ribose is a sugar that the heart loves! Ribose occurs naturally in all living cells. It is a simple sugar that begins the metabolic process for ATP production.


Coenzyme Q10, also called CoQ10 or Ubiquinone, is a natural substance essential to cellular energy production. It is an antioxidant that scavenges free radicals throughout the body and is also involved in maintaining normal heart function.


Carnitine is important for providing energy to muscles and has been described as a “conditionally essential” nutrient for humans.  95% of all carnitine stores in the body are found in muscle tissue.

Causes of Dilated Cardiomyopathy

I have cardiomyopathy. I was diagnosed with cardiomyopathy when I was 40. I am now 51 years of age.

I was born with a congenital heart defect and it was not diagnosed until I was 40.  I researched Dr. Sinatra’s “awesome foursome”.

The awesome foursome is magnesium, carnitine, Coq10, and ribose. I started taking these supplements and my ejection fraction improved from 15% to 40% I was also taking medications.

If you Google “how long people can live with dilated cardiomyopathy”, you will get websites that say around 5 years.
However, in my experience as a cardiac nurse and my own personal experience, people are living a good quality of life with new medications and technology.
People are living with dilated cardiomyopathy and they are enjoying a good quality of life.

Medical Therapy for Dilated Cardiomyopathy

Children with Cardiomyopathy

The majority of children with dilated cardiomyopathy have signs and symptoms of heart failure.
The most common types of medications used to treat heart failure include diuretics, inotropic agents, afterload reducing agents, and beta-blockers. Children can live with dilated cardiomyopathy well into adulthood if they get the right treatment.

Diuretic Therapy for Dilated Cardiomyopathy

Diuretics sometimes called “water pills,” reduce excess fluid in the lungs or other organs by increasing urine production. The loss of excess fluid reduces the workload of the heart, reduces swelling, and helps children breathe more easily.
Diuretics can be given either orally or intravenously. Common diuretics include furosemide, spironolactone, bumetanide, and metolazone. Common side effects of diuretics include dehydration and abnormalities in the blood chemistries (particularly potassium loss).
Inotropic agents are used to helping the heart contract more effectively. Inotropic medications and are most commonly used intravenously to support children who have severe heart failure and are not stable enough to be home.
dilated cardiomyopathy life expectancy

Common Types of Medications for Dilated Cardiomyopathy Treatment Include:

Digoxin (taken by mouth): improves the contraction of the heart. Side effects include low heart rate, and, high blood levels, vomiting, and abnormal heart rhythm.

• Dobutamine, dopamine, epinephrine, norepinephrine (intravenous medications are given in the hospital): medications that increase blood pressure and the strength of heart contractions. Side effects include increased heart rate, arrhythmias and for some, constriction of the arteries.
• Vasopressin (intravenous medication): increases blood pressure and improves blood flow to the kidneys. Side effects include excessive constriction of the arteries and low sodium.
• Milrinone (intravenous medication): improves heart contraction and decreases the work of the heart by relaxing the
arteries. Side effects include low blood pressure, arrhythmias, and headaches.
Afterload Reducing Agents reduce the work of the heart by relaxing the arteries and allowing the blood to flow more
easily to the body.
• Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACE inhibitors): captopril, enalapril, lisinopril, Monopril (taken by mouth). Side
effects include low blood pressure, low white blood cell count, high potassium levels and kidney or liver abnormalities.
• Angiotensin I Blocker: Losartan (taken by mouth). Side effects include diarrhea, muscle cramps, and dizziness.
• Milrinone is an inotropic agent (see above) that also relaxes the arteries.
Beta-blockers slow the heartbeat and reduce the work needed for contraction of the heart muscle. Slowing down the heart rate can help to keep a weakened heart from overworking.
In some cases, beta-blockers allow an enlarged heart to become more normal in size.
Common beta-blockers (taken by mouth) include carvedilol, metoprolol, propranolol, and atenolol. Side effects include dizziness, low heart rate, low blood pressure, and, in some cases, fluid retention, fatigue, impaired school performance, and depression.
According to a study in Pubmed, “Within the last decade, the treatment for patients with dilated cardiomyopathy has changed.
Clinical management of these patients is aimed at controlling congestive heart failure, treating arrhythmias, preventing pulmonary and systemic emboli, and managing chest pain.
The goals of treatment for patients with dilated cardiomyopathy are to make the patient feel better and live longer”.

Life Expectancy

How long can you live with dilated cardiomyopathy? I was also diagnosed with dilated cardiomyopathy. I am 51 years of age and I work a full-time job as a nurse. I average 6000 steps a day. My dilated cardiomyopathy stemmed from a congenital heart defect. My congenital heart defect is called Left Ventricle Non-Compaction.

Can Dilated Cardiomyopathy Be Reversed?

Can dilated cardiomyopathy be reversed? I get this question often. As a cardiac nurse, I have seen some cases of dilated cardiomyopathy reverse itself. If the cause of the dilated cardiomyopathy is identified and treated, the dilated cardiomyopathy can sometimes be reversed.

Natural Supplements to Help Dilated Cardiomyopathy

  • I take Life Extension magnesium products because I have found them to be of quality and fresh. I also use
    Magnesium Taurate from Cardiovascular Research The taurine is an amino acid which has excellent benefits for the heart.
  • This is the CoQ10 with BioPerine  that I take to heal my heart naturally. A plethora of studies has been done that prove the benefit of Coq10 for the heart. Coq10 should also be taken if someone is taking a statin.
  • L-Carnitine  is an amino acid that is part of the “awesome foursome”. Carnitine supports the mitochondria.
  • This is the Ribose that I take. Ribose gives me so much energy. Ribose also supports the mitochondria.

Dilated Cardiomyopathy Diet

A dilated cardiomyopathy diet should include an anti-inflammatory diet. An anti-inflammatory diet includes low sugar, low processed foods, and low grains. Diet plays a big role in treating dilated cardiomyopathy.


How long can you live with dilated cardiomyopathy? You can live a good long time. The new technology, new medicines, and lifestyle adjustments you make can have an awesome impact on your quality of life.


8 thoughts on “How Long Can You Live With Dilated Cardiomyopathy ?”

  1. I’m on entresto, carvedilol, spironlatone, tresomide, I also take Hawthorne Berries, Apple Cider vinegar. So, now I will look for the awesome four. I also have used magnesium citrate for years to prevent kidney stones. I had no blockages nor clots. I drank a cocktail of cayanenne pepper, garlic & ginger. Prior to hospitalization. Please help me on my journey.

  2. Thank you Phyllis.

    Its been 4 years since i found your site with a Heart Energy Efficiency of 21% and i am still here.
    Thanks to your advice on the awesome foursome.

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