Updated 7/1/2023
Dandelion Leaves and Root Tea Benefits in Type 2 diabetes are enormous. Do you want to see your glucose drop like a rock? Dandelion has been used for centuries to promote normal glucose levels and to prevent certain disorders. Dandelion has been proven to help control diabetes. There are no serious Dandelion side effects observed.
Is Dandelion Good For Diabetes
Is dandelion good for diabetes? Diabetes is a worldwide pandemic that has caused researchers to desperately seek a cure, or at least something to minimize the damage that diabetes causes.
Diabetes kills hundreds of thousands of people every year in America, Worldwide, the death toll is in the millions. Dandelion has been used to decrease blood glucose.
Dandelion Leaves and Type 2 Diabetes
Although there are medications that can treat diabetes such as insulin and oral agents, the disease has increased tenfold.
The medications are very expensive, and some insurance companies do not pay for them. Dandelion has been studied extensively for its anti-diabetic properties.
Dandelion is found in the Northern Hemisphere. Some countries use dandelion as food, and some use it to treat diabetes.
Worldwide, diabetes is an enormous health and economic burden. It is estimated that close to 400 million people around the world have diabetes, and the numbers are growing.
The World Health Organization did a survey that showed that 75% of the world’s population diagnosed with diabetes used some kind of alternative treatment because the newest treatments were just too expensive or they were not available.
Dandelion Greens for Diabetes
In the past, people were hesitant to use plants to heal diseases and disorders. The fact of the matter is that the majority of medications are made from plants.
However, the medications have added chemicals and that is what gives the medications the side effects.
Dandelion is grown wild or cultivated. The majority of it is cultivated. Dandelion is grown mainly in Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, and Poland. However, it can be found in the United States.
Most people know the dandelion herb as “a weed” because it takes over the lawn!
Why Does Dandelion Benefit People With Diabetes
Dandelion is a rich source of beta-carotene. Beta-carotene protects the cells from oxidative stress and cellular damage. There is a high concentration of polyphenols in dandelion. Polyphenols are a group of plant-based chemicals that have many benefits.
Dandelion Root
Dandelion root contains a plethora of minerals and vitamins. Dandelion contains inulin, carotenoids, fatty acids, choline, minerals, and pectin. The main problem with Type 2 diabetes is that there is a dysregulation of insulin secretion and insulin sensitivity. This problem leads to an increase in the blood sugar.
The dandelion root contains inulin and fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS). FOS is a carbohydrate that helps the normal bacteria in the gut. These bacteria are responsible for getting rid of bad bacteria in the gut. As a result, FOS stimulates the immune system. This carbohydrate, FOS, also helps to normalize the HgA1C levels.
Dandelion Anti-Hyperglycemic Actions
Dandelion is a plant that has been used for its medicinal benefits. One of the things it can do is help regulate high blood sugar levels, which is good news for people with diabetes or those at risk of high blood sugar.
- Helps Insulin Work Better: Dandelion can make insulin, a hormone that controls blood sugar, work more effectively. It helps the body’s cells use insulin properly, which means the sugar in the blood can get into the cells and be used for energy.
Slows Down Sugar Absorption: Dandelion contains substances that slow down the absorption of sugar from the food we eat. This helps prevent a quick spike in blood sugar levels after meals.
- Encourages Insulin Release: Dandelion may also encourage the pancreas to release more insulin. Insulin helps to lower blood sugar, so this can be helpful for people who have trouble producing enough insulin.
- Protects Cells: Dandelion is rich in antioxidants, which are like tiny bodyguards that protect our cells from damage. In this case, they can help protect the cells in the pancreas that make insulin, ensuring they stay healthy and keep doing their job.
Stores Sugar: Dandelion can also influence how the body stores sugar for later use. It encourages the storage of excess sugar as glycogen in the liver and muscles. This stored sugar can be released when the body needs energy, helping to keep blood sugar levels steady.
Reduces Sugar Production: Lastly, dandelion can help slow down the liver’s production of sugar. This helps prevent the liver from releasing too much sugar into the bloodstream and keeps blood sugar levels under control.
It’s important to remember that while dandelion has these potential benefits, more research is needed to fully understand its effects on blood sugar.
If you have diabetes or are considering using dandelion as a supplement, it’s best to talk to a doctor first to make sure it’s safe and won’t interfere with any medications you might be taking.
How To Make Dandelion Tea
Dandelion Flower Tea Recipe
8 Dandelion flowers
12 oz. Boiling water
Honey or sugar to taste
Instructions for brewing Dandelion Tea
Pour boiling water over flowers and let steep for five minutes. Add honey or sugar.
Plant-based medicines are very useful in managing Type 2 diabetes. The traditional therapies are very expensive, and the poorer countries do not have access to these drugs.
Question and Answers About Dandelion and Diabetes
1. What Are Some Other Names for Dandelion?
Some other names that dandelion is known for are Blow Ball, Tell time, Wild Endive, Cankerwort, and Pu Gong Ying.
2. What Are the Health Benefits of Eating Dandelion?
Dandelion has many different vitamins and minerals. The dandelion plant has potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, antioxidants, and B vitamins. Dandelion has been shown to help diabetes, gastric problems, liver problems, gallstones, eczema, and laxatives.
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Is there any information available to tell you how many dandelion leaves you should eat at a time and what the effects of lowering blood sugar is? Because, as a Type 2 Diabetic, I’m reading more and more about the benefits of consuming dandelion leaves, but am worried of its effects of (1) being a diuretic, and (2) lowering blood sugar.
I can only imagine that the effects may not be much more different than consuming 1/4 to 1/2 cup of kale or spinach leaves, which is basically negligible as far as reducing cholesterol or blood sugar by itself during that one time of consumption, but from the many sources that I’ve read, it does sound an awful lot as though there could be a significant drop in blood sugar, and it’s been some time since I’ve had my blood sugar down to where it should be (around 90 to 100). It’s been in the 200+ range for quite some time, and though this seems like a better alternative than pharmaceutical drugs, I am quite a bit worried, as it doesn’t take too much walking for me to reduce my blood sugar down by 100 or more points and taking or consuming anything that could drastically affect my blood sugar in a significant drop terrifies me.
So, if you know of anywhere, could you tell me if there is any place that you know of that shares how much dandelion leaves one should consume for a safe drop of blood sugar?
Thanks to anyone in advance.
Thanks for the comment. A tea bag od dandelion has been shown to help reduce the sugar. Also, a keto diet works miracles for reducing blood sugar.